Wednesday, September 20, 2017

all okay.

With all the recent hurricane hoopla, I'm betting some of you have wondered if we're safe. The answer, is yes. A resounding yes, as we are currently back in the midwest. It's been a long road from there to here with lots of adventures in between, but we are well. Interlude's condition is a-okay. She's currently on the hard in Green Cove Springs, Florida being looked in on periodically by a local so we get updates as this weather has been less than wonderful. We'll continue to get updates as Maria makes its way north. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those who have been affected by any and all of the hurricanes that have been shredding any and everything in their paths.

When last I left you, we were looking for a weather window to cross to the Bahamas. Been awhile, huh? While I didn't actively post here, I wrote every day about our progress before that and every day afterwards. I had big plans to post every detail of the crossing as well as the fun we had and hiccups we faced while in the Bahamas when we returned, but truthfully, it was a whirlwind. Due to some trouble with bad fuel, we got back to Vero Beach a little later than expected, had visitors within a few days, then sent Fozel off with my folks so we could prepare Interlude for going on the hard. Within a day or two, we were on the move again, motoring north on the Intracoastal Waterway. We spent the next week underway every day from sun up to sun down to get her to Green Cove Springs as soon as possible. Then we spent a few more days getting her all stripped down. It was tiring but in the end it all got finished quickly because some of us were obsessed with finishing and being reunited with our baby. We traveled back to Illinois, spent a week, then left on an epic 6 week road trip. Mind you, I was writing about all of this every. single. day. Seriously. Only 15 minutes, but I was documenting it.  Part of the way through the trip, we made a stop in San Francisco. And our car got broken into. All of our stuff, including laptops, where said writing had been saved in word docs, was stolen.

Pretty much all of our stuff has been replaced and here I sit again. This time, everything is getting backed up onto a thumb drive or hard drive. Lesson learned. I'll be spending the rest of summer/fall trying to piece together some semblance of a narrative of our crossing, what we did, where we went in the Bahamas, and the road trip that followed when we returned back. For posterity, right?

For now the plan is to spend the rest of hurricane season in Illinois with our families and head east to see my brother as well as our two best friends who both happen to reside in Maine. Then back to Interlude we will go for another season.

1 comment:

Mystical Minds said...

Thank God you're all OK!! I kept thinking about where you might be. When you were heading south by the Georgia coast, you stopped and met my cousins Jim and Linda LaVine....and after that I kept reading your posts. And then...nothing. At least now there is some explanation and at least you weren't caught in the hurricane (s). On the west coast of Florida, my brother and family, nieces et al, all decided to ride out Irma--after the terrifying winds and sounds throughout the night they were without power for 8 days. (Generators and grills are great to have).

I was also very happy to read that Interlude made it through the rough weather - after taking you all so far, I would have hated to read otherwise. Stay safe and Foz is growing up seeing all this activity as "normal"!! Having raised 3 sons, I am LOVING this! When my then "living-on-the-edge" son turned 16, I threw him on the back of my Harley and rode out to attend the Harley reunion in Milwaukee that year. Yes, I understand marching to the beat of a different drummer. Do it while you can, life is too short!!

Take care,

Chris Kuypers