Tuesday, January 31, 2017

where to next?

That is the question on our minds lately. We’ve reached Vero Beach, Florida and it’s been lovely. When we’re ready to put down roots again, I could see this being a good option. Heck, even for the remainder of the season it’s a good option. Mooring is affordable, the beach, stores, and restaurants are close by and there is a free bus system that makes it all the better. Oh, and did I mention the weather? 80 degrees in January is a-okay in my book. And we have extremely awesome extended family here? And an awesome community of boaters who are beyond generous and interesting to hang out with? We have been here since last Sunday and have already made some friends and gotten the lay of the land in our way. Josh has struck out several days on the bicycle and towing stroller in search of supplies and Fozel has been to the park (once with me and another day with Josh) and the beach a few times already. What more could you need?

While we spend our remaining time here, the question is swirling around us. Fozel doesn’t care and Josh says he’s happy (he likes being productive) so in a way, it’s up to me. Where to next? These are our options.
  1.  We stay put for the season. We could stay until late April or May and then make our way north to at least Georgia (there is a great marina in Brunswick that would be a good fit) until November. Or we could just spend the summer and early fall going up and down the coast again. We loved Charleston (and have framily there) and the Chesapeake is a place people spend entire summers exploring. The sky is the limit. Another good thing about going north is that for next season, it’s a potential jumping off point if we decide to go to the Virgin Islands.
  2. We head south and then go further south. We’ve been tossing about the idea of heading to the Keys and making our way down to Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula) and beyond after meeting a family in a trimaran doing the same thing. They have a little 3 year old and have been doing it for the last 5 years happily. The benefit there is that when hurricane season draws near, you can go south to Central America to avoid the weather. Belize or Guatemala, anyone? That appeals to us also.
  3. We stick to the original plan. The Bahamas. Somehow this one has the least lustre to me lately. I love the idea of the Bahamas but I’m concerned it’ll be expensive. I’m sure we’d have an amazing time exploring the islands and waters surrounding them. It also doesn’t hurt that the sand is powdery and the waters are warm and calm. I just keep getting hung up on the difficulty in finding supplies and the cost. Maybe for our first year it’s okay to give it a go. I mean, I want to go there eventually so why not now? Supposedly Georgetown is a haven for those who like to be busy. There are organized yoga classes, seminars under the palms in the afternoon and playdates to be had at every turn. For some people this sounds terrible but for us, I think it might be our jam. At least for a bit. Especially while Fozel is young. Having an organized day is a great way to have some familiarity for all of us.

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