Apologies for the radio silence. This season has slipped away from us and as a result, we will NOT be in the Caribbean come November. Interlude spent the winter in storage where she was supposed to have her chainplates replaced and unfortunately, that didn't happen until June. Our mistake was in not working on her all winter while she was indoors. We have several significant projects that still need to happen before we can cast off and we did not do them. Oops! Having a baby is time consuming, you know? This fall and winter, we will not make the same mistake.
Projects we still need/want to complete:
- Fix leaks over the butterfly hatch, v-berth and quarter berth
- Replace some of the lights for LEDs. We did several this season, or rather Josh did, but there are a few more to go. This will help lower battery consumption in addition to the frequency of which the bulbs will need to be replaced.
- Replace the head. This one is a biggie. We had plans to have my brother help do this while visiting but time got away from us.
- Put lights and outlets in the cockpit. The lights will be LED but at this point we are trying to figure where to mount them. On the cabin top? On one of the bars of the dodger/bimini? To be determined.
- Reconfigure storage situation in the lazarette
- Possibly rebed the port lights
- Convert the galley hand pump to a foot pump. Hopefully freshwater but we are toying with the idea of doing it as a seawater one.
- Replace v-berth mattress
- Account for all the engine spare parts
- Repair a few tiny areas on the canvas on the dodger/bimini
- Potentially replace the running rigging
- Convert flat sheets into fitted ones for the quaterberth
- Configure storage for long term cruising. This one is a toughie. I kind of need to wait until Josh has used all of his allotted storage to work on space for canned and dry goods and we need to take a good hard look at exactly how many clothes items and toiletries we realistically need.
That's all I can think of now. I'll update as we go. Or hopefully, cross them off?