"The cure for anything is salt water-sweat, tears or the sea." —Isak Dinesen
Josh and I are off to Clearwater, Florida for the week for a conference. We are both giddy at being back on the coast, sea breeze wafting across the hotel room deck and of course, the Gulf of Mexico steps away. Over the years, we've come to view the ocean as our own private medicine chest. It's healing and restorative properties seem to always cure what ails us. When we lived in San Diego, I can't count how often a dip in the Pacific Ocean set right even the smallest ailment. From a blemish to a cold, from flakey skin to digestive problems, we think salt water is pretty much the bees knees.
In addition to that, we pretty much adore water. I love swimming an abnormal amount, I think. Sea World mesmerizes me and even a bath seems exotic and exciting. Any chance we get to be in water, submerging even just our toes, we take it.
I think in another life we were both sea creatures. I might have been an octopus or a manatee and Josh was probably a dolphin or a whale.